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The Success 2 Significance Mission

To help you put your estate and financial affairs in order with a comprehensive Values Based Planning process, so that you can do what you’ve been called to do in a way that is honoring to God, respectful of your family, and personally rewarding.  This website will also give you tips on Creative Giving Techniques that include more than just money and focus on how to Serve Passionately. As Gandhi put it, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others.”  


V. William Moritz, J.D.

Bill practices law in Colorado Springs, Colorado, specializing in estate planning, non-profit organizations and business law with the law firm of Moritz and Associates, PC He is Lead Attorney for From Success 2 Significant which provides information to empower Generous Families to live a more significant life.


Bill also established the New Horizons Foundation, a community foundation in Colorado Springs, and serves as its Executive Director and he established Joy To The World Foundation and serves as its President. He also serves on the Daily Hope and Purpose Driven Publishers Board of Directors.   


He has worked with many different non-profit organizations over the past 20 years,  including The Navigators, Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Harvest Workers, Christian Broadcasting Network, International Bible Society, Compassion International, Oral Roberts University, Seattle Pacific University, Young Life, The Christian and Missionary Alliance Denomination, Summit Ministries, Christian Blind Mission International, HCJB World Radio, Mission Aviation Fellowship, Mission of Mercy, Thailand Ambassadors of Christ and the YMCA. He has also written the book, Unlocking The Full Potential of Your Assets; Creative Uses of the Charitable Remainder Unitrust.

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